Project You: 1-1 Career Change Coaching Programme
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If any of the above resonate with how you are feeling, completing the Elevate ‘Project You’ programme with Denise, who has a wealth of experience in supporting career change and job search for more than 20 years, will support you to not only identify the career change that is right for you; but also, a strategy plan to achieve it.
Why is it called 'Project You'?
The programme name is pivotal in that so often people have a knee jerk reaction to starting a job search, which usually involves feeling out of sorts at work and hitting the job boards for roles which look interesting or just to see what happens – and then rejections and disappointments occur because the foundations of your application are not well planned.
When given an assignment at work we always pull together a project plan towards the destination – crafting the steps we need to take and who we need to involve reaching the project goal. It’s mindful, well planned and has clear markers of success along the way – and above all the end goal is very clear.
Yet most people never apply this to a new role search and give themselves the personal investment to make such an important choice – Project you helps you to plan the steps and have a grasp of where you are and what you can do for a successful outcome.
The ‘Project You’ programme is designed to establish your ‘why’ , stimulate ideas and support your journey, drawing on your innate resourcefulness to help identify an exciting and viable new career direction or move which is in tune with your life goals as well as your career plan.
Through following the programme steps, you will find clarity by exploring your self-knowledge and laying foundations of what role, level or kind of work will be inspiring for you. We look at multiple possibilities and develop a range of ideas before starting work on making your plan a reality, we’ll discover your direction and start working on your action plan with clear goals.
About Denise
After a senior career in retail leadership roles where she held field and head office roles leading operational teams during the growth of Next, managed department stores with House of Fraser and enjoyed field management with Arcadia she moved into recruitment when becoming a Mum. A Coach helped her identify what changes would support her enjoyment of working whilst also wanting to be part of family life – and recruitment was a great choice, offering flexibility (yes still long hours but malleable to the needs of family), kept her involved with retail and the energy of the sector which she loved. She trained as a Coach in 2006 and more recently became a licensed career coach and has worked with some fabulous brands recruiting senior leadership teams for a wealth of great brands including Selfridges, Habitat, Starbucks, Walt Disney, Realm, B & Q, Sainsburys, World Duty Free, Gap and many more. Her knowledge of recruitment coupled with her passion for finding the ‘right fit’ for the candidate and client means that she will support you unreservedly to make the right move for now and into the future – and will love to see your ongoing success.

Making a difference to your future…
What do you want to achieve? More money, promotion, recognition, personal development, balanced lifestyle?
This programme will be the enabler for whatever change you aspire for, to happen. We will identify what you feel you are good at, your personality, your key skills, your personal values, and then we’ll find out what happens when you are performing at your optimum level. That is why this is based on ‘Project You’, making sure ‘you’ deliver an exceptional result.
During the programme there will be opportunity for reflection and review. Additionally, Denise will support you by listening, and of course challenge you, as you work your way through to deciding and acting on your career change plan.
How will I feel?
What results can I expect?
How Does It Work?
Denise will work with you on Zoom over a pre-determined period, with additional email and unlimited Voxer support, using the licensed Firework programme professional career tools and exercises, all customised to you. If you are in the central London or Home Counties an initial face to face meeting is also included if preferred.
The ‘Project You Career Change’ programme and course options work in three phases, each of which has been named after an inspiring quotation from Mark Twain:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover”.
Mark Twain

Explore - Who am I & what are my work & whole life preferences?
Dream - Generate your realistic options
Discover - Take action; identify creative ways to find and land opportunities
The ‘Project You’ package includes:

“Denise asks questions which make you think, to ensure you are going in the right direction and when you are both convinced that you are, she comes up with a comprehensive plan and goals on how to move you forward." |
"Denise will consult with you re your employment options, generate ideas, encourage and support, offer application advice and feedback, interview advice and feedback and make you feel supported with your career journey.”Lucy Roller: March 2022 |
"Denise's knowledge of recruitment & passion to help people makes her the very best person to go for advice. She has helped me change jobs twice, including a whole industry change and is always happy to help me handle difficult situations."Jo Knowler May 2022 |
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